NEW! Instantly send images from your computer to phone

MightyText Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2014


Sometimes you’ll come across a really interesting, funny, or cool photo while browsing the web on your PC or Mac, and might want to view and save that photo on your phone.

We’ve made this dead simple and super fast for you if you’re using the MightyText Chrome Extension. Here’s how it works.

On your computer, right-click on an image and select “Send to Phone”


Instantly shows up on your phone

You’ll get a notification on your phone saying that a new image has arrived. Click that, and, voila! (The image gets stored in your phone’s gallery)


Some of our users really like it:

Like other features we’ve launched in MightyText, we built this to save you some time and also make your life just a little bit easier everyday.

Note: This feature will only work for Chrome users, if you have version 4.62 or later of the MightyText Android Phone App installed on your Android phone, and the MightyText Chrome Extension (version 10.2 or later) in your chrome browser.

