Turn Popup Notifications on/off & set how long to display for

MightyText Blog
Published in
1 min readJul 3, 2012


We’ve heard your feedback loud and clear!

Some MightyText users want to be able to turn off the incoming SMS popup notifications, sometimes just temporarily.

And….when notifications are shown — some people prefer that they auto-dismiss right away (maybe after 5 seconds), while others want them to display longer (30 seconds, 1 minute, etc), and some MightyText users prefer that the notifications stay on the screen until they manually dismiss them.

We’re hoping that our most recent feature launch helps serve the needs of the majority of MightyText users :)

In the MightyText Web App, you can now configure under Settings:

  • Turn on/off Popup notifications for incoming messages/calls
  • Set how long to keep Popup notifications showing (only works on Chrome, and Firefox-Windows)

When you turn notifications OFF in the Chrome Extension, you will see a red dot in the MightyText icon in the Chrome toolbar.

Reminder: if you’re using the MightyText Web App on Chrome, then make sure you have the MightyText Chrome Extension installed to receive incoming SMS popup notifications.

For Firefox users to see notifications, please follow instructions for Firefox here.

